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In times such as these

Time's Up


16th June

11:00 – 11:30

afo - 1st floor | conference hall

Against the broader backdrop of unpacking ''debugging'' from the strict technological connotation to a wider understanding in terms of knowledge creation and community building, Time''s Up will examine its artistic practice (including artistic research as one of the arrows in the quiver) of experiential futures and their functionalities.

Not that we will "debug the future" at all. That would be somewhere between impossible and highly presumptuous on one hand, while on another hand (there is always more than two hands involved), there is the multitude of disruptive impulses upon possible futures that we are aware of today, and that cannot be fixed (read: solutionism is at best a distraction, at worst a con job). It is not our job any more to "raise awareness", as we can not not know, but perhaps we can raise care and empathy.  We examine the facets of our chosen approach as to how to maintain or regain the desire and mood for futuring in times like these. We think from social immersion to social dreaming fostered through co-authorship and will not forget to bring in a multiplicity and diversity of desirable futures.