Archive of Daily Disobedience


Workshop by: Shusha Niederberger, Heiko Schmid

@Willy*Fred Gassenlokal

Everybody is asked for obedience to big tech and the technological infrastructure it facilitates everyday. From synchronising and backing up our data via a cloud, accepting cookies and tracking codes, to accumulating far too many logins for all the sh* you can do on the internet, technology nowadays coerces us in ways that are only superficially helpful to us, instead paving the stealthy pathways for extracting profit from our everyday digital practice. But there are many (and ever-changing) ways to do things differently and to escape extractionist frameworks. We would like to ask the participants to contribute their past and present ways of tricking, hacking, exploiting, and bending the systems. We would like to archive with them the strategies they have invented for their everyday digital practice to meet to their personal standards and needs. These acts can be of all scale, from running alternative OS on your phone (big!), to refusing apps and doing everything in the browser (small). We know from many conversations among friends that many people have their tricks and small acts of resistance, but we also know how difficult it is for those new to a critical stance to find resources. The archive we want to develop aims to start a collection of ways of doing otherwise, to map the current state of disobedience, and to provide information and how-to’s for those interested. The workshop will consist of an introduction to the topic, sharing and discussing individual tactics in the group followed by an introduction to Mediawiki editing, plus a collaborative editing session, where participant will be invited to document and reference their practice of everyday tech disobedience.

Please register to participate here↗