Visit AMRO24

Here are some information how you can participate at Art Meets Radical Openness.

Festival Locations

AMRO24’s main location is afo architekturforum oberösterreich.

This is where the discursive part of the festival programme takes place, as well as some workshops and showcases.
Other program points are distributed in the spaces of our partners MAERZ, bb15, DH5, STWST, & Raumschiff, around the city center.

Festival Tickets & voluntary donations

All the events and workshops at AMRO are free to attend.

You can however support our quest to the Radical Openness by purchasing an AMRO24 Supporter Ticket. Your support helps cover additional costs, expand our program, offer fairer fees, and keep the festival free for all attendees. Get your ticket at (or make a voluntary donation at the festival locations!)

Streaming and Online Documentation

We'll stream out the lectures & collect the information in a conference pad
Remote viewers are invited to participate by commenting in the pad, but we cannot guarantee fully simmetric remote participation.

Remote participation at workshops will not be possible.

During the festival we use the servus mastodon account to disseminate further conference content.
After the festival we'll publish the documentation on dorfTV, at the website and at

The space we want AMRO to be

With the transformation of LiWoLi, Linux Wochen Linz, into AMRO, Art Meets Radical Openness since 2009, we have all had a shared sense of the kind of community, the kind of space we want AMRO to be. As AMRO has grown and continues to grow, we want to explicitly formulate now what we have always implicitly assumed.

We all come from different backgrounds and bring a broad spectrum of experiences with us. As we gather to share our skills, insights, projects and passions, we want AMRO to be a space of respectful listening and empathetic exchange. Along with all the personal cares, fears and doubts that can affect any of us, many people also bring their personal experiences of discrimination, harassment and oppression. We want to keep in mind that it is not the responsibility of these people to educate the rest of us about their experiences. It is the responsibility of all of us to educate ourselves and critically reflect on our own biases and inherent prejudices, which we all have.

We share with many other collectives and communities basic principles of respectful communication, such as:

With our commitment to principles of FOSS (Free/Open Source Software) we seek to promote technology for good, not for profit or oppression. At the same time we acknowledge that we are implicitly entangled with the militarized, colonialist, extractivist, oppressive roots of the technology we use. Yet we still believe that as humans we can do better.

At the AMRO festival we invite the participants to join the events with awareness of these community intentions and values.
Particularly for the nightline events, we share the Stadtwerkstatt Code of Conduct:

In case of need, at the event locations there are people that can provide support to participants who don’t feel safe. They can be reached through the people working at the bar or the info desk. For any comment or suggestion about community awareness, reach out to

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