Interfestival channel to LGM2024*


Workshop by: Simon Repp

@afo - 2nd floor | under the roof

(* Libre Graphics Meeting, Rennes/France,

An informal, somewhat experimental and hopefully fruitful and fun video call between the (date-wise overlapping) LGM and AMRO festival sites to coordinate/exchange in our spread-out communities.

Three months ago at the d*sign week in Linz we did an ~hour-long call between the festival site and participants in Linz and the meeting and participants of the PrePostPrint get-together at Varia in Rotterdam. With some loose moderation we introduced our topics/groups/participants on both ends and the developments and happenings at both of our sites. We wrapped up by discussing future developments, points of overlap, cooperation, etc. – and among these the idea to repeat this experiment in a larger setting – namely between AMRO and LGM in may 2024.

Please register to participate here↗