Internet of Squirrels

Workshop by: Vesna Manojlovic
@/dev/lol - Hacklab Linz
As a follow-up on my lecture: “Away from the Internet of Ecocide: radically open participation in Internet protocols standardisation”, I am inviting you to ponder these questions, and come up with creative answers:
“How can we minimise the detrimental environmental impact of the Internet on more-than-humans?” & “How can Internet Governance organisations make their work more accessible, more inclusive, more just - or at least more FUN!” & “What does the Utopian Internet look like?” (as opposed to Luxury Internet / Internet of Affluence / Gargantuan Internet / Gilded Internet / Capitalist Internet of Surveillance ) & “How can squirrels contribute to, and benefit from, the technical Internet standards?”
I am focusing on squirrels as a symbol for non-geek-humans, animals & ecosystems.
Through brainstorm & hands-on tinkering, we will come up with artistic / alternative ways to contribute to the Internet Governance processes. We might produce poetry, stickers, dance, memes, zines, paintings… or something else?!
Please register to participate here↗