Netzpolitischer abend #71 / AMRO24 edition

Talk by: Xin Xin, hatsch, Luka Prinčič, eeefff
Netzpolitischer abend #71 / AMRO24 edition
hosted by Magdalena Reiter
We are delighted to announce the 71st edition of the Netzpolitischer Abend as part of the AMRO festival in Linz. This co-operation enables an exciting fusion of the topics of net policy and art. The programme includes four lectures connected to further workshops and performances happening in the programme of #AMRO24.
Building Consentful Protocols
Xin Xin, an artist and developer from Taiwan, deals with the creation of society-orientated software and develops artistic practices for consensus-oriented cooperation.
Algorithmic Solidarity: Can Colonialism Be Encoded into Algorithms?
EEE FFF (Berlin/Minsk) will host a workshop during the festival in which they will analyse Yandex's algorithm and uncover forms of coded discrimination. They will present their insights in this talk.
Luka Prinčič is a musician, sound designer and media artist. Luca is currently contributing to, a movement exploring practical and philosophical ways of publishing art on the internet which strives to be radically independent from vulture capital.
Introducing DOVE
hatsch works at the intersection of Free Media and Free Software.
Hatsch will present DOVE, the newly developed DOrftv Video Editor.
After the presentations, there will be an opportunity for short announcements in the form of lightning talks, followed by the chance to chat over drinks and snacks in DH5.
For all those who cannot come to Linz in person, there will be the opportunity to follow the event via a live stream. The stream is available on the DORFTV website.