
Lecture by: Anna Kraher
@afo - 1st floor | conference hall
Predictive Temporalities in Technocapitalism
Predictions have become ubiquitous, emerging as technologies and narratives that shape our present into an age of prediction. These predictions are bound by specific temporalities. Serving as tools to navigate future uncertainty, predictions hinge upon a modern perception of an open future and a linear understanding of time. Yet, they also entail notions of circular time, by reproducing the past and by producing the futures they predict. Repeated predictions about the future, orient people's imaginations and actions, thus influencing which technologies are considered inevitable and desirable. Power is therefore not only exercised retrospectively (via the control of the Big Data archive) but also predictively. Therefore, binary approaches are not sufficient in resisting how power relations are replicated through predictions’ temporal dynamics. But only through examining the relations within these complex crossroads can patterns be broken and rearranged.